Transition Words: Examples for WordPress Yoast Readability

Transition words in WordPress and Yoast are used to link words, phrases, and sentences together. Writers use transition words to help the reader progress from one thought to the next. They make reading passages easier to process and understand.

This is why WordPress and Yoast place so much emphasis on using transition words when scoring readability. If you’re a blogger trying to improve your post’s readability analysis, this list of transition word examples will help boost your Yoast SEO.

Is Next a Transition Word?

For example, many people wonder: is next a transition word? While it does seem like it would make sense that the word next is a transition word, it’s actually not. According to the Yoast SEO components used for WordPress, next is not a transition word. Nevertheless, the best alternative is the word “then,” from the list below of acceptable transition words.

Yoast SEO Components – WordPress

As a WordPress blogger, you may already be familiar with Yoast’s colored dots or “traffic light” rating system. The plugin system is divided into two parts: the readability analysis and the content analysis.

The readability analysis determines if your content is easily readable by a general audience. The content analysis checks if the post meets specific SEO criteria to make sure your site is more attractive to a search engine. Therefore, readability and content are interconnected.

Additionally, it is important to have readable content if you want your website to rank well in search results. Therefore, if you’re looking to improve or master the AP style guidelines of news writing and editing then you should purchase The Associated Press Stylebook.

Most Used Transition Words List

After using other websites’ transition lists we noticed that sometimes their words were not helping to increase the Yoast SEO readability analysis in WordPress. The list below only contains transition words that will assist in turning that yellow or red dot to green.

Above all Even so In short Particularly
Accordingly Finally In summary Similarly
Afterward For example In the first place Since
Also For instance In the meantime Soon
Although For the most part In the same way Specifically
As a result For this purpose In this case Still
At the same time For this reason Indeed Subsequently
Because Further Lastly Such as
Before Furthermore Later Then
Besides Generally Likewise Therefore
But Hence Meanwhile Thus
Compared to However Moreover To begin with
Consequently In addition Nevertheless To illustrate
Conversely In brief Nonetheless To summarize
Coupled with In conclusion Notwithstanding To this end
Earlier In contrast Of course Together with
Especially In fact On the contrary While
Even if In particular Otherwise

Improving Transition Word Readability

After writing a post, some improvements may be required to improve readability. For example, you may be prompted to use more transition words. You may get a prompt that looks like this:

Transition words: Only 16.7% of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. Use more of them.

The following list of single and multiple-word transitions will help improve transition word readability in WordPress.

Complete List of 200 Transition Words That Can Be Used in WordPress

Writers who would like to scan all of the transition words at once can pull from the generated list below. These are the transition words you should use to increase readability in WordPress and Yoast.

Single Word Transition Words

Accordingly, Additionally, Afterward, Afterwards, Albeit, Also, Although, Altogether, Another, Basically, Because, Before, Besides, But, Certainly, Chiefly, Comparatively, Concurrently, Consequently, Contrarily, Conversely, Correspondingly, Despite, Doubtedly, During, E.G., Earlier, Emphatically, Equally, Especially, Eventually, Evidently, Explicitly

Finally, Firstly, Following, Formerly, Forthwith, Fourthly, Further, Furthermore, Generally, Hence, Henceforth, However, I.E., Identically, Indeed, Instead, Last, Lastly, Later, Lest, Likewise, Markedly, Meanwhile, Moreover, Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Nor, Notwithstanding, Obviously

Occasionally, Otherwise, Overall, Particularly, Presently, Previously, Rather, Regardless, Secondly, Shortly, Significantly, Similarly, Simultaneously, Since, So, Soon, Specifically, Still, Straightaway, Subsequently, Surely, Surprisingly, Than, Then, Thereafter, Therefore, Thereupon, Thirdly, Though, Thus, Till, Undeniably, Undoubtedly, Unless, Unlike, Unquestionably, Until, When, Whenever, Whereas And While

Multiple Word Transition Words

Above all, After all, After that, All in all, All of a sudden, All things considered, Analogous to, Although this may be true, Analogous to, Another key point, As a matter of fact, As a result, As an illustration, As can be seen, As has been noted, As I have noted, As I have said, As I have shown, As long as, As much as, As shown above, As soon as, As well as, At any rate, At first, At last, At least, At length, At the present time, At the same time, At this instant, At this point, At this time,

Balanced against, Being that, Be that as it may, By all means, By and large, By comparison, By the same token, By the time, Compared to, Coupled with, Different from, Due to, Equally important, Even if, Even more, Even so, Even though, First thing to remember, For example, For fear that, For instance, For one thing, For that reason, For the most part, For the purpose of, For the same reason, For this purpose, For this reason, From time to time, Given that, Given these points, Important to realize

In a word, In addition, In another case, In any case, In any event, In brief, In case, In conclusion, In contrast in detail, In due time, In effect, In either case, In essence, In fact, In general, In light of, In like fashion, In like manner, In order that, In order to, In other words, In particular, In reality, In short, In similar fashion, In spite of, In sum, In summary, In that case, In the event that, In the final analysis, In the first place, In the fourth place, In the hope that, In the light of, In the long run, In the meantime, In the same fashion, In the same way, In the second place, In the third place, In this case, In this situation, In time, In truth, In view of, Inasmuch as

Most compelling evidence, Most important, Must be remembered, Not to mention, Now that, Of course, On account of, On balance, On condition that, On one hand, On the condition that, On the contrary, On the negative side, On the other hand, On the positive side, On the whole, On this occasion, Once, Once in a while, Only if, Owing to, Point often overlooked, Prior to, Provided that

Seeing that, So as to, So far, So long as, So that, Sooner or later, Such as, Summing up, Take the case of, That is, That is to say, Then again, This time to be sure, To begin with, To clarify, To conclude, To demonstrate, To emphasize, To enumerate, To explain, To illustrate, To list, To point out, To put it another way, To put it differently, To repeat, To rephrase it, To say nothing of, To sum up, To summarize, To that end, To the end that, To this end, Together with, Under those circumstances, Until now, Up against, Up to the present time, Vis a vis, What’s more, While it may be true, While this may be true, With attention to, With the result that, With this in mind, With this intention, With this purpose in mind, Without a doubt, Without delay, Without doubt, Without reservation

What if Yoast Bullets Aren’t Green?

Many writers become concerned when a Yoast analysis indicates a “needs improvement” rating or a red unhappy face. “Should all bullets be green?” is one of the most popular questions asked of WordPress staff. The answer is to aim for an overall green, happy face and the Readability and SEO to indicate: Good. An article will still be able to rank high in a Google search even if some of the bulleted test components still require improvements.

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