Sponsored Content

Posting sponsored content on TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com is a great way to complement your traditional content marketing campaign.

Sponsored content will help broaden your reach and will ultimately expose your brand to a wider audience by piquing the interest of potential customers.

If you’re looking to increase brand exposure and gain an edge over your competition, you should consider adding sponsored content with TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com. Posting with us may be the solution to providing your company with the advantage you’ve been looking for.

Sponsored Content Rates

Sponsored content is an article that’s written and published on TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com. It’s usually written by our staff or by the client. It’s then edited by our staff to ensure that it matches the tone and voice of the rest of the content on the site.

Written by Our Staff

You supply our staff with the subject matter and they’ll create the perfect article on your behalf. Articles that are written by our staff will:

  • Increase your SEO backlink strategy by including one do-follow link.
  • Use an optimal focus keyphrase, slug, and custom meta description to boost your SEO.
  • Shared on our social media platforms, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com.
  • Featured on the homepage of TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com
  • Use no copyrighted photography or personal pictures from our collection, when appropriate.

Available Options Include

  • $349 for 800-1200 words
  • $299 for 500-799 words
  • $249 for 400-499 words

*The above rates do not include payment processing fees.

Written by the Client

You write the article and we’ll publish it on TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com. Articles that are written by the client and published on our site will:

  • Increase your SEO backlink strategy by including one do-follow link.
  • Shared on our social media platforms, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com.
  • Featured on the homepage of TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com
  • Use no copyrighted photography or personal pictures from our collection, when appropriate.

Available Options Include

  • $129 for 700+ words
  • $109 for 300-699 words

*The above rates do not include payment processing fees.

Link Insertion

While the base rate for link insertions starts at $75, the actual cost can increase based on factors such as the popularity of the URL and the specific link requested to be inserted within the sponsored content. Contact us for specific pricing.

Overall, businesses looking to increase brand exposure and reach a wider audience can leverage sponsored content opportunities on TheBudgetSavvyTravelers.com, with pricing structured to accommodate different needs and preferences.

About Us

Harry and Audrey, also known as “The Budget Savvy Travelers,” combine Audrey’s background in speech pathology with Harry’s financial expertise to embark on a round-the-world adventure. Through documenting their experiences, they inspire others to pursue their travel dreams while also uncovering and sharing travel deals.

Have you found what you’re looking for? Contact us (thebstravelers@gmail.com) directly so that we may assist you in creating a min-marketing campaign or answer additional questions. Together, we will make it happen!

The Budget Savvy Travelers