Life Update: Back in the U.S. and Winter Travel Plans 

By now most of you know that we are now back in the United States. After seven months of traveling and living in Europe, we decided to book a flight back from London to Chicago. When we go through a big change like this, I always feel it’s important to share with our followers why.

On our social media accounts, we often celebrate living nomadically because it grants us the freedom to move freely around the globe. When we announced that we were back in Chicago, we knew people would wonder and want to know, “Why are you back in the Midwest?”

Ultimately what brought us back to Chicago was family.  We have some immediate family members that really need a little extra TLC right now, so it’s a good time to be close to our loved ones. 

My girls: My Aunt Raegn, my sister Amanda, and my niece Bayleigh at her 1st birthday party.

Additionally, our nieces and nephews are growing up quickly before our eyes. I especially wanted to be home for my niece’s first birthday. Although texts and FaceTime always make us feel like we are never very far away, sometimes photos and videos just don’t cut it. I wanted to hold my baby niece in my arms. I want her to know her Aunt Audrey. 

My baby niece Bayleigh and “me mum. “

In the next few weeks, we’ll be writing posts and creating videos about all of the great adventures we’ve had in Poland and Scotland. We have a lot of stories and budget savvy travel tips to share! One region we’re excited to highlight is Zakopane. We fell in love with this region and want to encourage others to visit this spectacular part of Poland.

We fell in love with Zakopane! This region is right up our alley with its rustic, woodsy architecture and spectacular mountain hiking.

Our travel plans will keep us around North America for awhile. As of now, we really aren’t sure for how long. However, we will be partnering with many regional tourist boards and local small businesses to keep on exploring and traveling as much as we can. We think we are headed to Tennessee in a few weeks which is a great state to kick off the holiday season in.

So, let’s recap.

Are we done traveling? No. 

Are we setting down roots? No. 

Are you home now because you’re pregnant? Surprisingly common for long-term travelers, but definitely no. 

Are we going back to corporate life? Hell no. 

Currently we are considering ourselves to be in a holding pattern of sorts. When the time is right we will once again pack up the backpacks and head off to where our hearts are calling us. We are pretty sure that place will be Eastern Europe. So for now our daydreams will whisk us off to rugged mountain peaks or away to the turquoise-colored waters of the Adriatic, but at this time the place where we need to be is “home.”



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