Where Americans Can Travel This Summer For Vacation | As of June ’21

Americans looking to travel internationally this year will be facing a summer of travel chaos. Confusing and hypocritical rules on where travelers may go, what they must wear, what documentation they must provide seem to be just the tip of the iceberg for anyone planning a vacation. For example, many people are booking vacations not knowing that the country (they’ll soon be visiting) has curfews and other lockdown restrictions, making it an undesirable place to visit—especially when compared to places like Florida and Texas.

The most significant mandate for vacationers is that when they leave the US, they must obtain a negative COVID-19 test to reenter the country. Good luck to anyone who catches a cold. God only knows what will happen to you. It’s a massive inconvenience which is why most Americans will be vacationing locally this year.

We’ve heard numerous horror stories from friends and family about their international vacations in 2021. One, in particular, was quite disheartening. A couple booked a vacation to Barbados to “escape” the madness.

They were initially sold the promise of carelessly frolicking on the beach with rum punches and Caribbean liveliness. However, when they arrived in Barbados they ended up being treated like prison inmates as if they were America’s ‘Most Wanted’ criminals. They were given tracking bracelets, had their phones used to track their whereabouts, couldn’t leave the resort, and sometimes were not allowed to leave their rooms. Does this sound like the vacation of your dreams or what?

Americans May Travel to These Countries Now

The best and most current source for travel information is the US embassy’s website for the country you’re looking to visit. Rules and mandates are constantly changing and evolving. Surprisingly, the embassies that we’ve come across, have been really good at explaining the entry and departure requirements. Also, if you’re traveling internationally this year, it’s a good idea to get medical travel insurance—we recommend Patriot International Insurance.


These African countries are open to US tourists with varying degrees of restrictions; Botswana, Burkina, Faso, Cabo Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Travel from the remaining countries is still closed.


The Cayman Islands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Monserrat are not open to US travelers.

Most Caribbean countries are open to Americans but they require varying forms of testing before arrival and mandatory COVID-19 insurance in case you become infected there.

Barbados requires everyone to temporarily quarantine in a government-approved hotel or villa or apartment, until they receive a second negative COVID-19 test, taken at that property, after their first test at the airport on arrival. Then they are free to roam the island.

Bermuda is operating on the same system. Vaccinated travelers still have to test negative twice and unvaccinated travelers have to test negative twice, four days apart, quarantining in between tests.

Central America

Central America, including Mexico, is open to US travelers, aside from the Cayman Islands. Mexico has had relaxed COVID-19 restrictions for much of the pandemic and it has attracted many American travelers for that reason. The guidance once there varies state by state and there are still varying versions of lockdown across the country.


Americans can visit Croatia but they have to prove two things; a negative COVID-19 test was taken within 48 hours of arrival or full vaccination status AND full payment of a hotel, villa, or apartment for the duration of their stay.


Americans have been able to travel to Cyprus since March 1. No quarantine is needed with a negative PCR test but tourists must obtain a Cyprus Travel Pass before they can enter the country.


Greece has been open to Americans since April 19. Fully vaccinated Americans do not need to quarantine or take a COVID-19 test. Unvaccinated Americans have to provide a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arriving.


Iceland is open to Americans but they have to test negative on arrival, whether they are vaccinated or not, and prove that they are either vaccinated or have had a previous infection by testing positive for antibodies.


Americans can enter Italy on flights operated by Delta, American, and United because they offer testing for passengers. Passengers on those flights do not need to quarantine.


Travel is allowed but testing is mandatory on arrival.

South America

All of South America is open to US travelers with varying levels of restrictions like negative tests and/or quarantine except for Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, which remain closed.

South Korea

South Korea is open to US tourists but they have to quarantine in a government-designated hotel and pay for it, for two weeks on arrival.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has introduced the world’s first ‘bio bubbles’ concept where international travelers can visit without restrictions, but they aren’t allowed to mingle with locals.


Americans can travel to Thailand but they have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival. It is one of the only Asian countries where travel is accepted but the two-week quarantine makes it an undesirable choice unless the traveler is staying for a period of several months.


Open with a negative PCR test. Lockdown restrictions like curfews are still in place in much of the country after it implemented its full first lockdown just three weeks ago amid a surge in cases.

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is open to Americans but they have to obtain a negative COVID-19 test and quarantine on arrival. Each state has different quarantine rules. Dubai enforces a 10-day quarantine with negative tests on the fourth and eighth day.

United Kingdom

From May 17, Americans can visit the UK provided they quarantine for ten days on arrival and test negative. The US has been added to the UK’s ‘Amber list’ of countries; travel is accepted from those countries but with certain rules. Americans can return directly to the US from the UK, but non-US citizens cannot unless they have a waiver from the embassy for exceptional circumstances.

Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Georgia, Serbia

All open with proof of testing and/or vaccination and there are fewer restrictions in place than in other countries in the EU like the UK or Turkey.

Countries That May Be Opening Soon

Most EU Countries

A date has not been formally announced and it’ll depend on each country if there are rules for quarantine or testing, but the EU is FASCISTLY introducing a digital vaccine system from July 1. That is likely to pave the way for Americans to visit, if not sooner.

Of course, even after receiving the vaccine passport, some countries can impose rules on US travelers like quarantine and testing, even if they are vaccinated. Americans should also consider what the situation is in the country they want to visit; many still have lockdown restrictions like curfews.

However, one thing is clear: All 27 member states will accept all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by E.M.A., including Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J’s shot. Once again, just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you won’t be constantly harassed. In fact, you’re probably better off just staying home.

Spain – June 7

Americans may visit from June 7. No other countries have indicated yet what they will do individually after the vaccine passport program is introduced.

Countries That Will Probably Never Open Up

  • Argentina
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • India
  • Israel (closed to us citizens unless they have family in Israel)
  • Japan
  • Russia
  • Uruguay
  • Most of the middle east (except for Lebanon, the UAE, and Jordan which are open with some restrictions)
  • Most of Asia (only Thailand and South Korea are open to American tourists. South Korea has a 2-week hotel quarantine rule)

Requirements For Entering U.S.

Travel to the US is allowed from every country in the world, with a negative COVID-19 test, except the following countries. A non-US citizen cannot enter America if they have been in any of these countries 14 days or less before their flight:

  • China
  • Europe – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland
  • India
  • Iran
  • Republic of Ireland
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom

Finally, the US government is graciously allowing all US citizens to reenter America when traveling overseas.

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