The 40 Days and 40 Nights Tour | Where Are We Headed?

Today is our last day in Croatia for a while. We’ve been acclimating to the European time zone and desperately trying to get our bodies used to moving again! Here in Split we completed a few good hikes in anticipation of our upcoming week of hiking in Scotland. Tomorrow we set off for a few weeks of craziness! We are calling this our 40 Days 40 Nights Tour. Holy Easter in Lithuania this year!

So what’s the plan?

First Stop – Scotland

We will start off in Scotland and stay at the Gartmore House. This historic country manor is set in Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. Here, they specialize in hosting Activity Holidays. It’s a phenomenal concept! Folks getaway to detox and recharge the batteries by enjoying their favorite relaxing hobbies – yoga, crafting, painting, messing around with free games that win real money or even simply walking. Think of it as a mental retreat! We’ll be in Scotland for about one week.

We’re enjoying a Hiking Holiday here at Gartmore Estate in Stirling, Scotland.

Second Stop – Latvia

Next we fly into Latvia. For six nights we will be exploring the medieval city of Riga and the surrounding region. Riga is the largest city in the Baltics with lots to do and see.

Third Stop – Lithuania

One thing we’ve learned about Lithuanians? They like to party! We have some flexibility in our itinerary and have yet to confirm plans for Easter. Most likely, we will enjoy Easter in Lithuania. The country is primarily Catholic and we’ll appreciate celebrating our Easter traditions with those of our same faith. We can’t wait to dig into all that Lithuanian food too!

Fourth Stop – Belarus

Our fourth stop will be Belarus. This is actually one of the least visited countries in the European Union and is known to be extremely flat. Travelers are allowed five days visa free when flying into and out of the country.

Fifth Stop – Finland

From Minsk, Belarus we fly into Helsinki, Finland. Finland just overtook Norway ranking as the Happiest Country on Earth. We can’t wait to see what the vibe is for ourselves.

Sixth Stop – Russia

Harry really would have regretted not stepping foot into Russia with us being so close to the country. Therefore, he organized one of the best budget savvy ways to visit Russia via the Saint Petersburg ferry. Travelers are allowed 72 Hours to explore the city visa free! This is a great travel tip as visas to Russia cost Americans $160 USD per person. Harry is really excited to explore Saint Petersburg.

Final Stop – Estonia

We will board the ferry again which will take us to our final stop on this tour – Estonia. This is the country that I’m most excited to see! Here we will be partnering with the Visit Estonia Tourism Board to showcase the beautiful city of Tallinn. They will be providing us with an amazing apartment in the city which they charmingly call “A Writer’s Nest.” From Tallinn we will fly back to Croatia where we will stay enjoying summer until mid-July.

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