Our RTW Trip Is Officially OVER!

During each transition on our RTW trip, I’ve always found the need to document an important milestone or moment with some sort of blog post. Transitions should always serve as a time of reflection. As we mark the two year anniversary of our departure, I felt the need to write something to express our feelings at this stage of the game.

Before we left, we told everyone that we were on a two year time frame. In the early stages of our trip, we were able to boast about how we were just starting out. We had plenty of time on our hands, with numerous countries to visit on our itinerary, and a long bucket list of “must-dos.”

Over the last two years, we’ve slowly accomplished most of what we’ve set out to see. When looking at our route, much of our map is covered with pins representing all the places we’ve passed through.

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=zPs1ITa7CZt8.koD_EpK7sp-4&w=640&h=480]

But now, as we’ve hit this two year mark, there has clearly been a noticeable shift. It almost feels like a winding down of sorts with a palpable question of “what now?” For Harry and me, it’s overwhelming and frustrating of how the concept of time is brought up in almost every conversation that we have these days.

WHEN are you coming home?
WHEN are you getting a job?
WHEN are you going back to the United States?
WHEN will your money be gone?
WHEN is this over?

When? WHEN? WHEN?!

We are here to tell you today that we are officially declaring our RTW as OVER! As of September 24, Harry is no longer tracking every penny spent (but a final two year budget breakdown is coming soon). We don’t have to jet set from point A to point B, with this pressing intention of checking things off any predetermined list. We are no longer considering this just a crazy, once in a lifetime backpacking trip. Why do you ask? Because as of now, we are calling this simply, “OUR LIFE.”

Asking us when this is over is like asking, “So when are you planning on dying?”

We love being on the road. We love our nomadic life. Remember, our concept of “home” looks differently than most. We are happy and don’t want this to be over (so could you please stop asking when it will be?) We aren’t settling down until we have no other choice. Life is too short not to live the life of your dreams. As of now, this is our dream life! Asking us when this is over is like asking, “So when are you planning on dying?”

So what now?

As of now, we haven’t got a clue. However, we are on a constant quest to find the next best life, whatever it may be. In terms of traveling, the Camino de Santiago is still calling my name, although definitely not Harry’s. We really regret we never explored the beaches and crystal blue waters of the Philippines. Taiwan has become a new intriguing destination. Although very far-fetched, I also feel the need to touch down somewhere in Africa just to say that we found a way to do so on a budget. It’s also time to start thinking about what our dream life may look like when our travels feel complete.

But wanna know the beauty of life? To a certain extent, you have the power to do anything you want to do with it. We can confidently tell you today that there is definitely more road left in both of our shoes. We are right where we want to be with the world of possibilities at our fingertips.


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8 thoughts on “Our RTW Trip Is Officially OVER!
  1. Awesome! Not too long ago I started to imagine my life moving in the same direction every day. Every day I am guided toward situations that empower my belief; that one day I too will be free. Namaste xx

  2. Really really well written, Audrey! This is wonderful how you are living life just how you want, and hopefully no more pressures of When WHEN WHEN?! will be happening any time soon 🙂 I can’t wait to continue on this journey with you (we after all share this journey of life together as well! Xoxoxo)

  3. Yes! It was your photos & posts that got Taiwan on our radar! That’s what is great about having good travel friends….they can inspire new places and adventures! 🙂

  4. Ooh I’m hoping it was our posts that intrigued you to visit Taiwan! 🙂 Love that you are continuing your travels and are excited to see more. Safe travels! #travelbuddies

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