Find Love in Korcula Croatia | Croatia’s Most Romantic Island

If Hvar is known for the party scene and Mljet for the natural landscape, then Korcula, Croatia is the most romantic island. During the day, lovers can enjoy drinks under the swaying palms, dreamy seaside dining, and the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Marco Polo.

Korcula Croatia | Croatia’s Most Romantic Island

The entrance into the medieval village is quite dramatic.

At night, the medieval town gets soothingly quiet. After the day-trippers leave, couples can wander the narrow paths and admire the twinkling lights from the mainland. If finding solitude ignites your passion, you’ll discover love in Korcula.

Looking out into the Adriatic Sea from one of the many quiet alleyways.

Have you noticed that celebrities are often jet-setting to quiet hill towns and quaint medieval cities? They seek secluded places where they can connect without the distractions of the outside world. Harry and I discovered that same idyllic paradise on the island of Korcula.

No matter what street you choose, there’s always interesting architecture to dream about what might have been.

Croatia’s Most Romantic Island

During our recent trip through Croatia with eWaterways, we had the wonderful opportunity to spend one night in Korcula. During our Adriatic cruise tour, Korcula officially ranked as was one of my favorite stops on the Adriatic Coast. It is often referred to as Little Dubrovnik because it offers the same medieval charms as Dubrovnik, but at a smaller, less populated scale. Let us share some ways to discover romance on this dreamy Croatian isle.

During the day, lovers can enjoy drinks under the swaying palms, dreamy seaside dining, and the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Marco Polo.

Sundowners at Sunset

Make sure to send us a picture of the amazing view from the top!

There’s a wide range of cafes and bars to grab a sunset cocktail, but couples looking for a unique adventure may want to head to Massimo Cocktail Bar. Set on the rooftop of the 15th century Zakerjan Tower, the only way up is by climbing a ladder.

The drinks are even delivered in the most Medieval way possible – placed in a metal basket and pulled up by a pulley. Enjoy breathtaking views of the sea, red roofs, and Pelješac Peninsula.

Seaside Wining & Dining

Unlike Dubrovnik, Korcula has a promenade with lovely views of the sea. Many of Korcula’s best restaurants and outdoor patios can be found on this part of the island. Walking around you’ll see couples dining al fresco on the Mediterranean-influenced dishes: grilled fish, fresh oysters, octopus, juicy tomato-based salads, or baked bread with locally produced olive oil.

Wine lovers may want to enjoy a chilled bottle of Pošip, a dry white wine that is produced on either the island of Korcula or the Pelješac Peninsula. The idea is to leisurely savor the day and the local cuisine.

It’s not hard to find an open table in the shoulder seasons.

Take a Night Walk | Korcula Croatia

You can’t help but stroll arm in arm on Korcula’s cobblestone pathways. The streets are so narrow that locals joke that two people can’t pass through without touching one another. It’s the perfect excuse to stay close to your loved one.

After the hustle and bustle of the day-trippers and cruise liners have left, the small medieval village is all yours to explore.

In the evenings, after the day-trippers catch their ferries back to the mainland, Korcula becomes quiet and serene. This is the best time to explore inside the fortified city. At night the Venetian architecture takes on a soft, illuminated glow transporting visitors to another time and place. Without the distractions of other tourists, it’s easier to appreciate the details that make Korcula so special.

While exploring, take special note of the remaining winged lion friezes indicating that Korcula was once under Venetian rule. Most of them were removed during the Communist era to destroy any reminders of Italian history.

Part of Korcula’s charm is the feeling of timelessness.

Retrace the Footsteps of Marco Polo | Korcula Croatia

Korcula’s claim to fame rests in the belief that Marco Polo was born on the island. Locals and some biographers support the theory due to documents verifying a Venetian family with the same name once resided here. There are museums dedicated to the explorer and some ruins of the presumed birth home. Although the claim is pure speculation, the legend only adds to the alluring mystery of the town.

Many say that Korcula is the perfect example of a Venetian town.

Have you explored Croatia’s islands? Which one do you find the most romantic?

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