Using Education as a Chance to Travel and Study Abroad

Many people, especially adolescents, dream of traveling or studying abroad. However, not everyone has the financial ability to travel or doesn’t have the ability to combine it with studying.

Studying abroad is the best opportunity to see the world while also investing in yourself―it isn’t as difficult as you may think.

Travel and Study Abroad

Below is a simple Q&A that will assist in understanding the many aspects of traveling and studying abroad.

How to study abroad for free or at least get a partial scholarship?

There are several options;

  • Good grades aren’t enough, and you need to interest the university in its achievements in sports and victories in competitions. It is necessary to prove that the applicant is worthy of financial assistance, write a letter of motivation, as well as attach certificates, letters of recommendation, and achievements.

If you aren’t sure that you can write a letter, you should train by writing essays. And the best way to start is to use online services, such as GradesFixer, which can help with homework and essays.

There you can find essay samples on any topic. Also, you can start by reading academic work or coursework. And this way your writing skills will be improved.

  • Choose a country with free education, but then you need to find the money for accommodation.
  • Apply for scholarships not only from universities but also from the governments of specific countries (China, Lithuania, Germany, USA) or of private funds.

But remember that the availability of scholarships doesn’t guarantee that you will receive them, the competition is aggressive.

Before starting to plan the trip, you need to do some research, taking into account some factors.

First of all, you need to define your ultimate goal. Depending on your learning goal, you can choose the right country and program. If the goal is set incorrectly, it can lead to problems in the future. For example, if your goal is immigration through education, then you should consider countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, and programs should be related only to higher education.

Also, don’t forget to consider your age because age influences the choice of curriculum. There are a large number of students over 25 years who want to go abroad to study and continue to immigrate. But this doesn’t apply to international students, as there are some restrictions on obtaining a visa. It’s more difficult to get a study visa for students over 25 years.

You need to ask yourself the most important question: “How much money can you spend on education abroad?” It’s an issue for every student who wants to study abroad. As we know, studying abroad is paid. Even if some countries offer the opportunity to obtain higher education for free, you still need to provide for yourself.

Accommodation, meals, textbooks, insurance, and related expenses are always paid by the student. Grants provide education for free or partially for free, but they do not entitle further employment in the country of study and immigration.

Clearly define your budget. The choice of country and university will depend on it. If in higher education there are exceptions to the cost of education, then such programs as learning a foreign language, children’s vacation programs, professional training programs, MBA – will always be paid. Scholarships and discounts do not apply to such programs.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

Before choosing any university, regardless of the country, you need to understand what problems you will face. When it comes to studying abroad, you should immediately think about whether you should go there to study at all.

Studying abroad involves employment in a specialty, and this may be in another country. If you decide to get an education in another country and then come home and work, it is better not to waste your time and take someone’s place in school. If you still decide, no matter what, to get an education abroad, you must understand the essence of the issue – studying abroad’s advantages and disadvantages.

The pros of studying abroad include the following facts:
  • High level of education
  • Diplomas from European universities are in demand all over the world
  • You can improve your knowledge of a foreign language while studying
  • Studying abroad involves new acquaintances and the emergence of new useful connections
  • You can get a job before graduation
  • Nobody imposes the learning process itself
  • It is possible to travel
But not everything is so smooth – education abroad has its drawbacks:
  • High cost of education
  • Language barrier problem
  • Quite a lot of issues have to be resolved during the execution of all necessary documents
  • You can have problems with entrance exams
  • You’ll be long-distance from family and friends

Students can be confused when choosing a university abroad, so this list of the most common questions can help to figure out all problems:

What countries to study do students choose most often?

The most popular destinations are Poland, the Czech Republic, Canada, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Each of them has its advantages. Poland and the Czech Republic are the most budget-friendly. Germany has excellent quality with the possibility of entering public higher education institutions. Canada is a great value for money.

Go to the USA and Great Britain to study at the top universities in the world rankings. The country is chosen to take into account the specialty and financial capabilities.

When to start preparing to join abroad?

The process of choosing a university and specialty should begin at least a year and a half before the expected start date. Monitor your progress from the college or school years, and do something useful from about the same time. Also, ask someone who is studying abroad to tell you a story about his experience. This way, you can take a lesson from his mistakes.

It makes sense to prepare for language exams in advance, as well as to register. Sometimes the queue is a few months ahead, so it’s better to start earlier. The certificate of most language tests is valid for at least two years. So try to learn new languages. You can take a book from the library on foreign languages. It’ll help to learn the language faster. Or take a special course.


Whatever difficulties await you, it is important to understand that it is profitable to study abroad. In this case, you have the opportunity to get exactly the dream job with a decent salary. After graduating from a European university, you will have the opportunity to stay abroad and ensure a decent life. If you have doubts and you don’t know where to start, you can ask for help in special centers, for which mediation in studying abroad is the main activity. So be a hero and use your chance to have a successful future.

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