NuvaRing and Other Birth Control Options For Travelers

Having gone through quite a lengthy process I decided to create a detailed review for others about birth control options for travelers, including the NuvaRing. The last thing we need as we head to our unconventional life of freedom is to be brought back to a structured reality of being bogged down by bottle feeds, nap schedules, and diaper bags. Sorry…there is just no room for babies in my backpack!

Long-Term Birth Control for Travelers

Although it teeters on the edge of TMI, I vowed to write an investigative report on birth control options for women who want to travel long-term. With Harry quickly shooting down my (only half-serious) proposition of a vasectomy, to some degree I knew I was on my own for determining what my plan was for birth control options while on our round-the-world trip.

While having a baby is a miracle, I wasn’t ready to have one overseas.

In my research, I found it difficult to find firsthand accounts and advice for long-term birth control. I was unfortunate to have to explore a bunch of options; however, it provided me with lots of knowledge to bring to my readers. This post is long but full of information and tips that I think were important to share. I hope that my story helps to guide others in finding the right choice for them.

My Story – No Room for Babies in My Backpack!

I was currently on the NuvaRing which I LOVED! I didn’t have to take pills every month and under the consultation of a pharmacist, I was able to manipulate my cycle to avoid having a period during special events like vacations and anniversaries.


The NuvaRing, however, requires refrigeration and from what I have learned is not available worldwide. It is also an expensive form of birth control even with insurance. Despite my very hard attempts to continue this form of birth control (I needed two physicians, two pharmacists, and one nurse practitioner to finally convince me), the NuvaRing just wasn’t a viable option.

Here is my firsthand account of my decision-making process:

IUD (Intrauterine Device)

This was the option I tried first. A fast, outpatient procedure to have anywhere from 3, 5 (Skyla or Mirena which are hormone-based), or 10 years of pregnancy protection (Paragard which is Copper-based) sounded good to me. I chose Mirena and scheduled the appointment.

This may not happen to most women, but during the procedure, my doctor told me my cervix was too small for the device. It eventually may fall out. She told me my only option was to go the birth control pill route which was not true!

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

I later found out that the Skyla IUD would have been a better option as it is smaller and the insertion tube narrower. My office didn’t carry it, so they didn’t suggest it. (Seems kinda shady, right?) Skyla is FDA approved for women who have not yet had children. Mirena is typically intended for women who have already had a child since their cervix has been expanded.

I also learned from a nurse practitioner later, that there is a pill that women can take before an IUD placement that will dilate their cervix to make insertion easier. I wonder had my doctor prescribed me this pill, or was willing to try Skyla if an IUD would have worked for me.


Long-term protection, a one-time procedure, may reduce blood flow


Expensive if your insurance does not cover costs of the actual device and insertion, may cause long-term spotting/bleeding, and can fall out, in rare cases some women experience complications such as infections or a ruptured uterus

Birth Control Pills

My second plan of action was to try birth control pills. The idea of toting around a year with pills was not ideal, but I was willing to try this next. For U.S. citizens, Walgreens offers two generic pills (Mononessa and TriNessa) that you can get a 12-month supply for USD 144 (out of pocket) with their Prescription Club Rewards Program.

Birth control pills.

The Rx program costs USD 20 but brought the out-of-pocket expense down from USD 344 to 144, which was well worth the membership cost. I did convince my doctor to write a script for two years, but the problem of expiration then occurred. Even if I were able to buy two years of pills right before departure, some of the pills would have expired on the road. That would have forced me to rely on someone to send me pills while traveling.


Inexpensive, convenient, may be easy to get, and cheaper while traveling (but I was not willing to risk not having a plan in place and didn’t want to worry about trying to locate a similar/the same pill while abroad)


Carrying around packs of pills (I want to travel light!), having to remember to take it at the same time every day to increase effectiveness (encountering time changes, ugh!), weight gain (I gained a lot of weight in the one month I took the pills and I did not like the way they made me feel.

Unfortunately, I was running out of time to try different pills for months at a time to see what worked for my body. If you are new to birth control pills, start your search early to ensure that you find a pill that works well with your body).


The only reason I address this one is because it came up too many times; “Why don’t you just use condoms?” Well, this is a personal decision and conversation, but let’s just say that for us, when we think of condoms, we think of Julia Robert’s “profession” in Pretty Woman. This would be a last resort option.

We all remember Julia Roberts, “I’m a safety girl.”


Cheap, easy to access, no hormone use or side effects for women


Loss of intimacy

Birth Control Control Implant

I was starting to get desperate and running out of options. So I made an appointment with another OB-GYN who was highly recommended by a friend. After a 45-minute consultation, she advised me to highly consider Implanon, a match-stick-sized rod that is inserted into the arm.

Implanon insertion tool.

We revisited the Skyla option, but to proceed I would have to get an internal ultra-sound. Many physicians are not trained to insert the implant, so I was referred to my local Planned Parenthood.

Making the Appointment

I made the appointment and had the procedure done last week. It was fast, however, my arm did bruise heavily and it felt very strange in my arm for the first few days. In fact, after my compression bandage came off, I was convinced that it was placed incorrectly as the tip of the rod kept poking inside my arm when I flexed.

However, I allowed some time for it to “settle” and I noticed it less and less each day. Another concern was scarring, but I have seen two women that have the implant and the incision point is hardly noticeable. After my procedure, I could not find progression photos online to help see what this thing is supposed to look like each day, so I did my own for your (icky) viewing pleasure.

A progression photos of my Implanon implant.


Three years of protection so “set it and forget it”, may stop periods altogether


The removal procedure is harder than insertion, it may be difficult to find a trained professional to insert/remove it, there is bruising, pain, and recovery time following the procedure and scarring may cause continuous spotting/bleeding


  • If you are moving from one form of birth control to another – START EARLY. I would allow for at least a 6-month+ window to find the option that works best for your body.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a Planned Parenthood Facility in your area – SEEK THEM OUT! In hindsight, when beginning my long-term birth control plan, I wish I went there first. They are highly trained in all things birth control and had options that my primary physicians did not even know about. Best to always consult with specialists!
  • I thought these two websites were good for getting additional information such as side-by-side comparisons and learning more about the advantages and disadvantages of all forms of birth control. You can also check this site for our preferred vibrating panties.
Told you it was TMI

Back to NuvaRing

If anyone has made it this far in this post, you are serious about birth control planning! Unfortunately, about 6 months after the insertion of my Implanon implant, I started to experience a breakthrough, nonstop bleeding, and cramping. I decided that this Implanon was a great form of birth control because I could never have sex.

So during a layover back in the United States, I had my implant removed. Planned Parenthood in Santa Monica, California quoted me approximately USD 80 without insurance.

Considering that NuvaRing worked so well for me and my body, after I had my implant removed, I was on a mad quest to continue to use this form of birth control. Unable to find forums or posts online, I vowed to do ongoing “research” so other women can find countries that will supply NuvaRings (and other birth control options) without the need for a physician’s prescription.

8 Countries to Purchase Nuvaring Without a Prescription

  1. Argentina
  2. Belarus
  3. Russia
  4. Brazil
  5. Taiwan (Taipei)
  6. Netherlands (Amsterdam)
  7. Thailand
  8. Albania

1. Argentina (Mendoza)

The pharmacies in Mendoza sold NuvaRing over the counter for around USD 15. They were properly stored in the refrigerator at each pharmacy.

2. Belarus (Minsk)

4/2018 – Pharmacies in Minsk do not require a prescription for NuvaRing.

3. Russia

A nurse wrote in to let us know Russia does not require a prescription for Nuva Rings.

4. Brazil

A local wrote in to let us know that Brazil does not require a prescription for Nuva Rings.

5. Taiwan (Taipei)

March 2017 – On our recent trip to Asia, we visited Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand. Southeast Asia always seemed more liberal and more accessible for finding the medication. Sadly, this is NO LONGER the case! I asked almost every pharmacy that we came across if they carried the NuvaRing (showing a photo of a NuvaRing to aid against any language barrier).

The ONLY pharmacy that I found that carried the NuvaRing and allowed me to purchase them without a prescription was in a swanky neighborhood in Taipei. It was called Honesty Health Insurance Pharmacy (aka Yongcheng Pharmacy, located at 25-1, Lane 216, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City). Below is their card that may help you find it.

My husband also added the address to help English speakers in the comments section below. You may need to ask a local or taxi driver for help. Cost $18 USD per NuvaRing. I purchased six and they were properly stored.

Honesty Health Insurance Pharmacy in Taipei | NuvaRing | Birth Control Options | No Room for Babies in My Backpack!

6. Netherlands (Amsterdam)

After traveling through Europe, I finally found a place to purchase my next 6 month supply of NuvaRing. Schiphol Airport conveniently has a 24-hour travel clinic that you do not need to make an appointment to visit. If you want to consult with a physician, a consultation was ~ EUR 27 Monday through Friday and EUR 45 on weekends.

However, the pharmacy, located in Departure Hall 2 above row 16, told me that they would make an exception for travelers. As long as I could show proof that I was currently on the medication (e.g., empty box, the NuvaRing package) they would allow me to purchase the medication without a script. Therefore, I bought another 6-month supply at EUR 12.50 each.

Contact email:

7. Thailand

Thailand (Phuket) – The pharmacy in Patong Mall sold them each for THB 590, or USD 20 over the counter. They were stored properly in the refrigerator and the staff was extremely professional.

Update: 1/13/17 – Pharmacies in Thailand are telling me that they no longer carry NuvaRing due to decreased popularity. This will cause some trouble for us long-term travelers wanting to use the NuvaRing. Thailand used to be a reliable destination for purchasing birth control.

According to Bangkok Gynopedia, “The contraceptive ring (Nuvaring) is not available in Thailand as of 2017. However, it was imported previously and perhaps will be again in the future.” Refer to the “What to Get” section here.

8. Albania

We traveled through Albania as recently as 2021 and had no problem getting NuvaRing without a prescription. However, most of the time the pharmacist had to order it from Greece and it took about one week to receive.

Storing NuvaRing While Traveling

The thermal bag and freezer packs I used to store my Nuva Rings in. Now, I use a medical bag, see the link below.

Remember that if you store them properly, they can last until the expiration date. I keep them in the fridge during lodging, and while traveling they are inside a thermal folder with three ice packs that an Argentina pharmacy gave me with my purchase. On long flights, I ask the flight attendants for bags of ice to be on the safe side.

Update: I upgraded to this medical insulated bag to store my medicine while I travel. When I would show up to airport security with this bag and freezer pack I would constantly be harassed, it became a big ordeal. The insulated travel bag looks more official and will help limit the inconvenience.

If you have found this information helpful, I’d love to hear from you!

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