My House in Budapest

Here’s a tour of “Our House in Budapest.”

We said it before and we’ll say it again, finding great, budget-friendly accommodation is probably the greatest challenge we face while on the road. Therefore, when we find something special that offers great value, we are quick to share our travel secrets on our blog. We spend A LOT of time researching, so why not pass this valuable information along to our followers?

During our month-long stay in Budapest, we stayed in 4 different Airbnb apartments and one hotel. There was <one flat> in particular that we enjoyed so much that we thought we’d show you where we spent the holidays. At only $27 USD per night (all fees included), it was a cozy place to relax after long days of exploring Budapest. After 21 magical days, although we were ready to begin new adventures elsewhere, we weren’t ready to leave this apartment!

Tip – We often negotiate rates with our Airbnb hosts. Therefore, that is why our daily rate is lower than what is posted on the listing.

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The Budget Savvy Travelers