How Can Hydration Help When Traveling? Avoiding Travel Dehydration

When you plan on traveling, either for an extended period of time or for a vacation, there may be a number of factors that can affect your hydration and overall health. One of these can be the risks associated with not drinking enough water.

Drinking liquids that are high in caffeine and/or alcohol may lead to dehydration. Consequently, this could even lead to more serious issues. Monitoring your water intake will allow you to focus more on enjoying your time. As a result, you’ll have a happier and healthier vacation.

Lack of Hydration

A lack of hydration can affect different aspects of the body, including your eyes. All About Vision notes how drinking water can aid with both reducing the likelihood of dry eyes, which can lead to irritation, as well as preventing sensitivity to light.

When you plan on traveling to a country or state with high levels of sunshine, struggling with the sun’s brightness can cause all kinds of discomfort and pain. This may lead to you missing out on some experiences from wanting to avoid sun exposure. Drinking plenty of water can prevent itchy/hurt eyes and headaches. Also, it’s a good idea to supplement with GLA and carry dry-eye drops.

It is also possible that you may end up feeling unwell throughout your trip. Especially, if it spans a number of weeks or months, thankfully, one of the ways that you might be able to speed up your recovery, and even avoid needing medical attention, can be through hydration. This will allow your stomach to better flush out parasites and viruses.

Tip: We bring a travel-size water filter with us wherever we go. It fits on most sinks and removes 99.99999% of all bacteria and protozoa and 100% of all microplastics.

IV Hydration

It is important to note that, even with hydration, you may still need to see a doctor. Even so, the amount of support you may require could be significantly lessened by drinking plenty of water. Also, a failure to do so may lead to a need for antibiotics. In extreme circumstances, you may also need an IV drip to replenish those missing fluids.


When you travel to new places, you may want to make the most of each and every aspect. While you might attribute exhaustion to too many late nights or time spent traveling and walking, it is entirely possible that you may be feeling extra tired due to not drinking enough water.

Staying Properly Hydrated

Alongside exhaustion, dehydration may also lead to cramps, weakness, and even dizziness. A great way to prevent dehydration is to make sure that you drink around eight cups of water each day. And, if you’re participating in physical activity, you should drink much more than eight cups. As a result, this extra hydration may lead to a much-needed energy boost.

Among the different health and safety aspects, you may want to think about before beginning your travels can be how you will properly hydrate yourself. Participating in fun excursions may take you away from water sources, you may also want to think about having a supply of safe drinking water on you. This can also be important in countries where tap water might not be deemed safe for human consumption.

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