Bigot Racist Fat Ugly American – Get Out of Our Country!

When you’re labeled by people on the internet as a bigot, an ignorant racist, or a fat, ugly American. This small group of irrational people would rather have us create another bland politically correct article—as if the world needs yet another “Top 10 Things to Do” post.

Bigot Racist Fat Ugly American

I’m sitting here with piles of old tourist maps and travel guides scattered in front of me on the table. The maps are covered with x’s of attractions visited, and the photos are all of the familiar places where our path has already crossed.

Any time you have a logical, honest opinion that doesn’t fit with the typical politically correct “utopian agenda,” you’re labeled by some as a bigot, an ignorant racist, or a fat, ugly American.

For some time now, I’ve been trying to scrounge up the desire to write about our four weeks in Romania. Anyone paying close enough attention may notice that my last post left off in Bucharest, where I tried to offer my best advice on how to enjoy the city.

Throughout our travels, we’ve always tried to be truthful and honest in our reflections of a country. Right now, I just feel stuck. This is our best attempt at creating the best Romania Travel Guide.

Here’ Our Romania Travel Guide—Don’t Bother Going

After all the scandal and ridicule we faced from our vlogs, my heart just isn’t into it. Every time I reflect on our time in Romania, honestly, I just laugh.

Rather than inspire others by writing about the beautiful Corvin Castle or the charming city of Brasov, I think about how another woman told me she wished I was raped and that my body would be dragged through the street by my hair. I think about all the death threats and the fact that many Romanians told us to “stay the f*ck out of my country.”

Our Route

Bucharest ➡️ Brasov ➡️ Sibiu ➡️ Deva (Day Trip to Hunedoara) ➡️Cluj-Napoca➡️ Iasi

And now my task as a travel blogger is to conjure up inspiring, elegant words about my time in Romania? I just don’t have it in me, or honestly, the desire to.

Here’s Why Travel Blogging Sucks

This is what travel blogging has come down to and why it sucks. Any time you have a logical, honest opinion that doesn’t fit with the typical politically correct “utopian agenda,” you’re labeled by some as a bigot, an ignorant racist, or a fat, ugly American. This small group of irrational people would rather have us create another bland politically correct article as if the world needs yet another “Top 10 Things to Do” post.

Fat, ugly Americans in Europe. We’d rather be hated for who we are than loved for what we are not. – The Budget Savvy Travelers

So for now, we have decided to close the chapter on our time in Romania. I will leave a gaping hole in our blog where our time in Romania would have been documented in written form.

But in true budget-savvy-traveler style, we shall give ourselves the last laugh. Because in our lives, we get through difficult, stressful situations with sarcasm and dark humor. It’s not everyone’s way, but it’s OUR way. We are documenting OUR travels and experiences from OUR perspective, no one else’s.

So here’s your warning. If you are highly sensitive, easily offended, and everything needs to be shrouded in flowery, politically correct wording, then this video is NOT for you. But if you would like to know about some of our time in Romania, without further ado we proudly present:


For all of our full-length vlogs from Romania see below. This is our first day in Romania and where it all started!

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The Budget Savvy Travelers