Its time to play….Who wants to buy our junk?

Of course I’m referring to the junk around my house. The time has come for us to start generating some income by selling all the stuff we have accumulated from the last 9 years of marriage. What’s interesting about doing this is that at one point in our lives we thought we actually NEEDED these things.

Cabin Condo Closing – All items must go!

For example, many items we put up on Craigslist we generously acquired through our bridal registry. Sadly enough, we never even used them. How many couples register for the Kitchen Aid Artisan Mixer and actually use it? Why on earth did I think I would need a 5 quart mixer? I am not a baker. I actually hate baking.

Another item now up for sale is an unopened knife carving set. I’ve never even baked a turkey, nor would I ever consider hosting a Thanksgiving dinner in our small condo! Why did I think I would need these things?! So up for sale it goes.

As we prepare to downsize and get rid of all this “junk,” I am starting to feel free from all the clutter that is enclosing us in our home. I think this is the beginning of that feeling of freedom that we are moving towards.

It’s an interesting social experiment to see what will sell and who may buy it. Surprisingly enough, both of our moms have expressed a desire of wanting some of the items that we are selling. Maybe it’s because they are starting to wrap their heads around the fact that we are going to be leaving them soon and they want a little piece of us.  Or they may be excited about getting some 9-year old, but brand new, homegoods.

Either way, we have some competition out there on Craigslist. Here are some of the “hot” items that are currently going for NO COST in the Chicagoland area.  We better use some great marketing strategies if we expect to make some money at this game!

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