Travel Guide: Buenos Aires, Argentina – Episode 5

Come BS with us as we continue to explore Buenos Aires, Argentina during our 4th week in the city. Topics include great budget savvy ways to spend your birthday, local parillas, dulce de leche, closed door restaurants, Fuerza Bruta, and the Costanera Sur ecological reserve. Just two sassy, honest, and funny travelers doing their thing….

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One thought on “Travel Guide: Buenos Aires, Argentina – Episode 5
    1. love the “day time” episode and scenery! very pretty
    2. audrey you looked really pretty at your surprise birthday dinner!
    3. i’m really loving the spinning in circles theme of all your videos! what a great way to see 360 degree views! next time however will you trying spinning clockwise?
    4. i liked the tip about paying for dinner in a different currency to save money (wow, half off just by paying in pesos??!!)
    5. can’t wait to see the highlights / lowlights video 🙂

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